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Panama City Beach Pier Opens
07/03/09 - 05:19 PM
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Mary Scott Speigner - bio
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Panama City Beach, Fla:

After four years, the Panama City Beach pier is officially open.  The pier located on front beach road has been in the same spot for 30 years but has been through a lot of changes.
One of the minor changes is the name.  It’s now called the Russell Fields Pier rather than the Dan Russell Pier.  After almost 2 years of construction, the pier is ready to go just in time for the 4th of July fire works.

Another change is the fees.  It now cost $2 to walk on the pier and $6 to fish.

“I don’t think you should have to pay $2 just to walk out there,” said tourist Donald Ogletree.

The grand opening of the pier brought a lot of people out to see the view, but also turned some away.  Jeff Ingrum and his sons came up to see the pier but after seeing the fee, left.

“I didn’t bring any money with me I thought we would be able to go out to the end and look….whenever I was a kid we came up here and it was free, walked out enjoyed it and watched people fish,” said Ingrum.

Another visitor, Steve Mark says he doesn’t mind paying the fee if it helps to keep it maintained.

“I drive from Atlanta every year and this is one of the reasons I like coming to Panama City for the pier to be able to fish off it and stuff,” he said.

This pier is 1500 feet long, 100 feet shorter than the one destroyed by Hurricanes Dennis and Ivan.  Locals and tourists alike say it has been a long time coming.

“I definitely missed it, like last year when I came I was like ahh the pier’s not done yet,” said Mark.

“I’m just glad we got a pier now to fish on…been looking forward to it for a long time,” said tourist Ronnie Yancy. 

There are monthly and yearly passes and discounts available.  However there aren’t any local discounts.  Beach City leaders say they compared the pier prices of several surrounding beaches to determine the amount of the fees.

User Comments

Don’t laugh as Panama City Council and Mayor are probably thinking how to do that right now!
You know greedy people are always figuring a way to stick it to you!
The new pier charge for residents and the $180.00 yearly pass is nothing more than pure greed!
We need to vote this bunch, all of them, right out of office. We need some new blood in this town as the ones in charge now are selling residents out at the cost of the tourists that we babysit all year long and pick up after!
The writting is on the wall so don’t be surprised when you see this greedy bunch come up with some more scams on us residents!

Posted by retired one  on  07/08  at  09:32 PM

we are now goin to start charging for kids at the playgrounds,,,frank brown park will locks and meters on the slide and swings,,it will cost a quarter to get on them,,,,love this place,,,paradise run amuck

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/08  at  08:34 PM

Boycott the new pier! Vote out all incumbents!

Posted by retired one  on  07/07  at  11:59 PM

Boycott the new pier for life! I will never go on it until the price is lowered for seniors and children under 12!

Posted by retired one  on  07/06  at  06:47 PM

learyv@53 you are kind of right there, but it’s this own goverment is the fault for all that has happend over the past 20 years.the goveremnt is so greedy, and yes send all the people home who hate Ameicans.I am very proud to be who i am and where i live.but ashamed towards the people who are running my country into the ground.
As far as our jobs. bill clinton tooke care of all that in the late 90’s opened Nafta and sent our factories over seas, for 50 + years this country has imported 75% of our goods and exported 25%,it finally has cought up with us,Now our local goverments are forced to make huge cut back, jobs losses, high fuel, and grocery, and they lay it all on us tax payers to flip the bill, i am so dam tired of all this.i just want my country back with no POLTICTIONS in it

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/06  at  06:26 PM

Seriously, the city has bad management and the officials need to be voted out of office as they continually fail to protect the residents of Panama City Beach’s interests. We do enjoy the tourists, Bike Weeks, Spring Breakers, Back up’s of miles on Front Beach, daily, throughout the summer, 10,000 people ahead of us in line all summer long at Walmart,motorcycles racing up and down the 15 MPH residential streets all night long in the spring and summer, trashed out front yards littered with beer cans thrown from moving vehicles during Spring Break, etc.
Why couldn’t City Officials give us residents a free pass on the pier, at least during winter months when it’s dead?
It is because they are greedy and only care about HOW to keep Tourists Away for good and how to keep this town lost in the 50’s with the mickey mouse amusements on the beach that date to the 50’s. They have no vision, no common sense, and no marketing skills whatsoever and need to be voted out they are an embarassment!!

Posted by retired one  on  07/06  at  01:48 PM

And Toll Booths.

This will increase the revenue for the city.

Toll booths on Halthaway Bridge, Front Beach, Middle Beach, Back Beach/HWY 98 and a few toll booths on the residents streets (so you wont be able to go to work or get food without paying your city its dues).

And I like to propose a bill in hiring a troll for Retired One’s street.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/06  at  01:09 PM

Parking meters.

Thats our answer to all of you bay county tax payer complainers, parking meters. We are putting together a proposal that will increase our revenue and bring a few new jobs to the city and beach area.

Parking meters along Thomas Drive, Front Beach, Marina, and Beach Drive.

Why should we allow you to park for free, for God’s sake, you’re already getting free air.

I say no more free parking for you all.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/06  at  01:05 PM

aj4u lets get it right ,were not losing our country to other countrys. were losing our country to other countrys people. stop ALL non american enters, and send alot of them back to there country(doctcrs,lawyers,teachers,etc.)send them back to take care of there own and leave our jobs alone

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/06  at  06:28 AM

OK i have read most of these post here,and they all sound alike…You say it’s not fair to pay to go on the new pier, Well i tend to agree.for this reason.the TAX payers of Bay County flipped some of the money for the cost of the new Pier.but what you people don’t see is that FEMA by the Tax payers too.oops i forgot something.maybe by the Goveremnt.oops i for something again,where in the hell do you think the Goverment gets there momey from?.Yup you got it right.THE TAX PAYERS, now that wasn’t hard to figure out.The TAX Payers are getting screw from the local goverments to the high and Mighty (and i use high and mighty as a cleshay. People we are losing our country to overseas conutries.I say vote every poltical effical out of office,there all in our pockets. This dam paying for walking out on a pice of concrete is obseared.I say BullSh-T to all polticial figures

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/05  at  06:49 PM

$2 fee to walk onto the pier?? Give me a break! I can understand paying to fish off the pier, but to walk onto it, and how long is someone going to stay on that pier,,,,,,,maybe 10-15 mins at the most. I for one will never be walking on that pier!

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/05  at  10:13 AM

Hey idiot NOTATOURIST, you say the pier is not a sightseeing venue but a FISHING pier? It is a PUBLIC pier, paid with public tax dollars and FEMA money. It is for the public’s use to use any way they may wish. Some of the public like to fish. Some of the public might like to watch the sunset or ocean view. Some of the public might just like to take a sroll. Some of the public might like to show their kids what the fisherman caught.
It is not a fishing pier. It is a public pier that people can fish ON if they wish.
Get your facts straight! You sound stupid!

Posted by retired one  on  07/04  at  11:54 PM

Hey idiot NOTATOURIST, you don’t mind paying your FAIRSHARE? If you’ve fished the pier since it was built then you will know that it was $10.00 a YEAR for a season pass for Beach Retired Residents and now it is $180.00 a year! Only an 1800% price increase, not bad.
What kind of fool are you? You must be one of the idiot City Officials we are going to vote out of office come next election!
I hope you find a new job as you cannot manage nor do your know anything about tourisim or marketing to be running our city.
The fees are an embarrasment and a sad joke on residents who paid $10.00 a season and now must pay $180.00 a season. I guess MAINTENANCE charges must have risen in two years?
You are crooks!

Posted by retired one  on  07/04  at  11:47 PM

It seems that some have overlooked the fact that the pier was not BUILT with FEMA funds but was RE built with FEMA funds. And though, it may have been originally built with tax dollars I doubt that anyone would think that someone like the ‘retired one’ should be funding a pier that only relatively few use.  I have fished the pier since it was first built and certainly don’t mind paying my share. Secondly, the pier is a FISHING pier not a site seeing venue. If $2 for ALL DAY access is too expensive, maybe the city could install a time stamp system like those used in parking lots (many city owned) all over the country.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/04  at  06:20 PM

The fees are for maintenance you say for the 200 feet of pier. A family of 5 costs $10.00?
The charge for a family of 5 to drive over the Destin-Niceville toll bridge with 5 miles of BRIDGE MAINTENANCE is $4.00 ?
To drive down 50 miles of toll road for a family of 5, towards Orlando, is $5.00?

You must have alot of maintenance costs, more than huge bridges or hundreds of miles of toll roads?
You are ripping off the public and citizens of Panama City Beach and need to resign from office until we can elect some honest and worthy officials as you are making us residents look bad with your rip off pier fees!
You need to lower the fees, now, before you are voted out of office and your free pier passes that you posess will be invalid.
You have not protected the interests of Beach Residents and you have zero marketing or managing skills. Please resign and do us all a favor.

Posted by retired one  on  07/04  at  05:38 PM

Panama City Beach City Officials and Mayor, your pier that was built for free with Federal FEMA money that you charge $2.00 to walk out to the end and back is the laughing stock of residents and tourists! You are driving away Pier Park Shoppers who would like to take a stroll out after dinner at Margaritaville to watch the sunset with your ridiculous fee! A family with 3 kids cost $10.00 to just walk out to see if anyone caught a fish to show the youngsters! How sad for the kids whose families are poor as they will never get to do this!
You have screwed the poor and their children along with seniors and all Beach residents.
Please look for new jobs as we all are mad as all my neighbors are mad and we will vote all incumbents out of office next election along with full page adds to remind the residents of your stupid ways!
What idiots!

Posted by retired one  on  07/04  at  05:12 PM

tax payers have paid for the pier, and now they got to pay to used the pier. Our government at work, making money with our tax money. I did not know that our government was a business.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/04  at  03:56 PM

Good one Joe!

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/04  at  03:14 PM

We need a toll booth on the Hathaway bridge. Let’s all vote for a toll booth, it would help the county and city.

We also need to increase the food tax and charge locals $1.00 day fee or $85 annual fee to use the beach.

Its a shame we can not charge people for each breath of air they are consuming. So look at it like this, you are getting FREE air, what else do you expect for free???

However a carton of cheap cigarettes cost around $32.00 a carton with all tax, a quarter/nickle bag of weed costs $30.00. A carton of cigs usually lasts a person approx. 4-5 days. A bag of weed can last for 7-8 days, assuming you are smoking no more then 2 joints a day.

So since the cigarettes has by-pass the cost of a bag of weed, me and my family(only the smokers) has decided to switch our habits from cigarettes to weed. And hey, we have never been more happy. We will not get cancer now, and it has improve our marriage…..and weight due to the increase of snacks, cake, brownies, and candy.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/04  at  02:14 PM

PCB and their elected officials can shove their pier, Pier Park, their state park, their fireworks, and anything else they can find…......

If they want to sucker the bozo tourists with their high prices and exorbitant fees, so be it.

I will NOT cross the Hathaway to spend another nickle on the west side.  My money will stay in my town, or in my pocket.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/04  at  12:40 PM

A season pass at SHIPWRECK ISLAND WATER PARK is $149.00, with food, entertainment, parking, water rides,and lot’s of chairs, tables, and fun!

A season pass at the new pier, $180.00, with nothing?

What is wrong with this picture?

Vote out all PANAMA CITY BEACH OFFICIALS and CALL 60 minutes and Dateline, for an investigation of the money trail.
Also, you can call the Federal Government’s Waste, Abuse, and Fraud Hotline, as the pier was paid for with Federal money.
These officials need to go somewhere else and rip off people as we don’t like being embarrassed by their behavior and rip off prices!
Resign from office now as we will vote all of you out!
The residents are tired of not being represented and for you elected so called officials for not protecting OUR interests!

Posted by retired one  on  07/04  at  11:17 AM

Mayor and City Council, you are the laughing stock of tourists and Beach Residents for charging us $2.00 to take a 3 minute walk on the pier! Your $6.00 fishing charge may be acceptable if you do provide a poll and bait as advertised as a fisherman can stay out there all day and enjoy the time for his $6.00. The $2.00 fee is excessive for families, seniors and visitors to take a few minutes to walk out and see what the fisherman have caught to show thier kids! You say you compared other pier prices which is bolonga as other piers have concessions, food booths,drinks,parking,and tourist information booths,etc.
You do not even have an adequate parking lot, no concessions, no nothing! Maintenance on a new pier? What maintenance? Picking up the trash once a day? Paying a relative or friend to be the gate keeper to collect the 2 bucks? You are ripping off the public and the beach residents who OWN the pier it was paid for with FEMA money. You do not OWN it,we do and demand you lower price

Posted by retired one  on  07/04  at  11:00 AM

Retired one has made a valid point,,paid for with our taxes,,now we get charged,,if there is a protest it should be this weekend at the pier,,keep everyone off it and let the politicians be the only ones to pay to get on it,,,does the phrase, “taxation without representation ” ring a bell in america anymore

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/04  at  08:40 AM

It is not a reality check that the elected officials are looking for…it is a blank check endorsed by the citizens. Seems the pier is yet another source of “mad money” for the elected officials to collect and spend at the expense of “we the people”. Have you had enough? Maybe,we could erect a memorial for one of Mayor Oberst’s pets at “her” walking paths in Frank Brown Park. Just a thought off the top of my head. I’m sure if the elected officials think really hard,they can do better than that,due to their vast experience in frivolous spending of public money. Happy Independence Day. Remember, tonight when you are watching one of the many public firework programs,and the politicians are telling you how great it is to be there,that it was the money of “we the people” that made the festivities possible. Not the politicians,as they are living on our dime. Have a nice day!!!

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/04  at  06:32 AM

retired one, I agree with you 100%. I live on a monthly disability check, a very tight budget to say the least. To have to pay to take a walk on the pier is just downright dumb. Our local officials that are supposed to be representing us are in desperate need of a reality check. The current beach leaders have lost my vote next election.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  07/04  at  05:49 AM
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