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State Proposes Bag Ban
10/15/09 - 04:40 PM
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Elizabeth Cate - bio
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Tallahassee, Fla:

Paper or plastic?

The days of choice at the check-out counter may soon be over. State environmental officials have proposed a ban on bags.

“That’s just ridiculous in my opinion,” said Panama City shopper, James Renfroe.

If the rule is passed, paper and plastic bags would be phased out over five years. The goal is to encourage people to use reusable bags for shopping.

“Probably what prompted this is that you do see litter problems. There’s been action in other countries that have been taken. Some of the states have looked at this too,” said the Florida Department of Protection’s, Mary Jean Yon.

Here’s the catch: if you forget your reusable bag, and you walk out with plastic, it’ll cost you.  You’ll have to pay a nickel a bag.

“Taking money away from me, because you don’t have a bag, that’s ridiculous,” said Panama City shopper, Dave Lobdill.

It’s estimated that Floridians use more than 5 billion paper and plastic bags a year. A $.05 fee on one billion bags translates to $50 million. Environmentalists say, it’s worth it because plastic causes pollution.

“They just don’t seem to go away. They become part of the visual pollution that we have to experience, and they become part of a source of harm to wildlife,” said Florida Audubon’s, Eric Draper.

Some shoppers agree.

“I like the plastic bags, but I wouldn’t mind changing if it helps,” said Panama City shopper, Betty Heaton.

The money generated by a bag fee would be used for recycling and waste reduction efforts.

User Comments

It’s a great idea…it keeps the crap out of the water and away from marine life.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/20  at  03:46 PM

I haven’t followed Charlie very close so I’m not sure what his stance is on most issues. The real law that affects us all seems to be taking place in DC.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/20  at  01:26 PM

“crist or his cabinet don’t have what they are doing they have proved that over and over!!!!!!!!! “

What?  Are you speaking English, Fattboy?

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/20  at  12:33 PM

This is some of governor crist garbage for more money for them to wasted!!!!!!! he needs to climb back into his tanning bed and stay there til his term is over crist or his cabinet don’t have what they are doing they have proved that over and over!!!!!!!!!

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/20  at  11:45 AM

Well Richard aren’t you a bundle of joy. I don’t know if your still in the Navy or if your retired, but I would think being a military man you might show a little more respect than to slander someone the way you did Congressman Boyd.
I may not agree with every decision he makes, but I agree with enough of them to know he is the guy I will be voting for. As long as he keeps fighting for my job, I’ll keep fighting for his.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/19  at  06:49 PM

Actually, burndog brought his name up and I’m just stating how low a lifeform I think Boyd is.  I’d suggest him jumping off the high end of the Hathaway bridge but that would be water pollution but at least no shark would bother him…professional courtesy and all, you know.  After the way he dodged the town hall metting he isn’t worth the air he’s wasting breathing.  But, he’ll get re-elected by the same bunch that never look at anything past the party he’s in.  The best we can hope for is a heart attack, maybe.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/19  at  06:15 AM

The days of choice at the check-out counter may soon be over. State environmental officials have proposed a ban on bags.

Ok I read that over and over I still don’t see where it says Allen Boyd proposed anything, hell I didn’t even see his name mentioned in the article. So why the slaughter job on Allen Boyd??

I thought there was already a tax on litter, but isn’t it called a FINE!! If people are littering what does plastic or paper bags have to do with it??
They can litter with bottles, hamburger wrapers, beer cans or any other trash. If people are littering then FINE them, don’t tax everyone for the sins of a few.

Besides if this tax is ever passed you can bet it’ll be just like postal stamps, the price will keep going up and up. In 5 years you’ll be paying .25 cents a bag.

I’m not in favor of this tax, but I’m not going to throw Allen Boyd under the bus, he has proven himself to me by fighting for jobs in Bay county.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/17  at  02:36 AM

He can kick back on his ranch that Pelosi paid with our tax money! The man (crook) has no worries.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  02:20 PM

and im sure all you have gotten back is a generic email?i know thats all i get back when i email him and complain about his puppetry, hope he has a backup plan for employment?? cuz hes gonna be out next election!!

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  01:09 PM

Hey, burndog, if he’s too chicken——to show up
at a townhall meeting, what makes you think he reads, or cares about, e-mails?  He knows the same brain-dead idiots will vote for him again that always do so he’s assured of going back into office again.  I have no idea what he thinks he’s accomplishing by running so early.  He’s already showed that bright YELLOW stripe down the middle of his back and who he is answering to these days…and it’s not Florida voters!

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  11:29 AM

Actually, I have sent several e-mails to Mr. Boyd’s office, and griped in all of them.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  11:02 AM

hey burndog,

“keep sitting on your hands people and do something besides gripe on a local computer forum.”

Isn’t that what you are doing? hahahahah

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  09:48 AM

Coming soon, Soda tax, beer tax, keep sitting on your hands people and do something besides gripe on a local computer forum. Yall’ have heard of that MORON Allen Boyd, right?

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  09:47 AM

what! i would carry things to my car one-by-one before i paid 10 cents a BAG!  I reuse all those bags!

Fine the litters!  Not just for bags but for all their dirty trash.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  08:44 AM

I also reuse the plastic bags from the stores.  Hey Florida, how about a recycling program?  Aren’t we getting taxed enough?

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  07:22 AM

wifeandmom, I have another question.  Like you, I use these bags for trash can liners, etc. and have a thrift store I donate the excess to so they can save money on overhead costs.  Recycling takes many forms and should be used.  Tallahassee is abviously too dumb to think of things like this.  What are they going to do with all of the commercial trash bags like Hefty, etc., that we’d have to buy to replace the ones we now use?  Tax them, too?  There are some things that EPA should get their hands slapped for even getting involved with.  Start slapping these litterers with some meaningful fines and leave the rest of us alone!  Even better, fine them then make them do highway cleanup duty for a month or so.  They’d soon get the message.  If not, then jail time for second offenses should.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  07:09 AM

Truth or Consequences, you just about said it all.  Tallahassee is NOT the smartest egg in the basket.  They know how to give away our hard earned tax money on frivilous things but haven’t a clue on how to save it.  Several years back when His Majesty Graham bowed to special interest groups and did away with vehicle inspections my daughter was almost killed when a clunker with bad brakes slammed into the rear of our car.  This was less than a week after he told the country in effect that Florida was too stupid to enforce vehicle repair laws.  Now they want to ban bags rather than recycle them?  Tallahassee, ‘way to go in proving once again how idiotically DUMB you really are!!!

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  06:57 AM

I re-use both paper and plastic bags. As a preschool teacher, paper bags are a valuable resource. Plastic bags are great for lining small trash cans, doggie duty, packing material, etc. And what I don’t re-use, I take back to the store to recycle. If this law is truly being brought about because of littering, then lets fine those who litter, don’t tax everyone for their inability to use a trash can.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/16  at  06:48 AM

I dont agree with this at all.  We can do better.

When I searched the web for what other states and cities are doing I found they dont need to tax.  They are going to recycling to answer the same challenges.

New York State—Recycling
New York City—Recycling
New York City—Elected not to tax plastic bags
California—Did not enact proposed tax laws in both 2008 and 2009
Los Angeles County—Recycling
Virginia—Rejected ban
Colorado—Rejected ban
Rhode Island—Recycling
Missouri—Did not pass proposed bag ban in 2009…reviewing recycling
Illinois—Enacted pilot recycling program
Phoenix—Voluntary Recycling
Boston—Voluntary Recycling
Annapolis—Volutary recycling
Seattle—In 2009 the voters of Seattle voted against a referendum that would have taxed plastic bags.
Dallas—Voluntary Recycling
Austin, TX—Voluntary reduction

Data taken from the following website:

Posted by DakotaR  on  10/15  at  09:26 PM

All this is another way for the state to make some money off of the people, like recycling programs and auto inspections is only to put more cost on the people and done of them help any thing. At one time this was a free country but that is going away very fast. Soon we pay the government so they can tell us what is good for us. Like they know better than we do.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/15  at  09:11 PM

Discount stores like Sav-A-Lot function on this method.  I guess people like Dave Lobdill don’t realize that they are paying for those bags - in markup on their purchases.  The stores pay for them, you know?

I do think it would make more sense to just ban the plastic bags.  The paper ones are usually recyclable and biodegradable.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/15  at  06:21 PM

Let me see if I can understand this…...  We live in a state that WON’T impose a statewide recycling program that would help save energy and resources, and that REFUSES to impose a statewide auto inspection that would reduce pollution and save lives, but is more that WILLING to propose yet another tax for the privilege of shopping for food….........that about sum it up???

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  10/15  at  06:21 PM
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