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Five People Injured in Steam Accident At Gulf Power Plant
12/18/09 - 11:43 AM
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Mary Scott Speigner - bio
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click for larger image Bay County, Fla:

Five people are injured in a plant accident at the Gulf Power Lansing Smith steam plant in Southport.  They have all been treated and released.

According to plant manager, Brian Heinfeld, a pipe carrying high-pressure steam burst. There were five people working in the area: two Gulf Power employees, one Alabama Power employee, an area firefighter, and an instructor.

All suffered burns to either their face or chest area.

Heinfeld said that all but one were transported to Gulf Coast Medical Center, the other went to a non-emergency doctor. 

He said the employees were several stories above the rupture, but even with the distance, the 600 degree steam managed to burn them.

“Anytime you have boiler tubes these things can happen, but we have not had this happen in a long time.  In fact, we haven’t had an injury at this plant in over 2 and a half years,” said Heinfeld.

They immediately evacuated the plant and shut down the unit where the accident happened.  Heinfeld says they will do a complete investigation before they get it up and running again.

User Comments

There was a FF ther doing Trainning

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  12/19  at  08:13 PM

most likely FF were there till the ems got there along with the police. steam burns are horrid, good luck guys.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  12/18  at  08:44 PM

Did the Fire Dept. respond

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  12/18  at  07:43 PM
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