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Kill-A-Watt - Part Deux
05/06/09 - 03:38 PM
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Jessi Chapin - bio
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Panama City, Fla:

Saving energy means saving money and it has residents flipping their off switches more often.

“I turn the lights off when I leave the rooms,” said Bay County resident Jean Haller.

“Just make sure that the house is energy efficient with energy saving light bulbs for example,” said John Flachsmamn, “just as energy efficient as possible.”

click for larger image
But many don’t know electronics still burn the bucks even after you turn them off.  Gulf Power representative Jeff Rodgers says the costs can add up.

“An average household maybe have as much as 10 percent of their electricity bill from phantom power,” he said, “Imagine that multiplied throughout all the households in our area, what a savings we could have.”

News13 put those numbers to the test with a Kill-O-Watt meter, measuring the wattage of devices while turned off, to see how much they can cost per month:

  • Computer- 1 watt = 30 cents/month
  • TV- 3 watts = 90 cents/month
  • Cell Phones = 30 cents/month

click for larger image It has some second-guessing their routine.

“Oh, there’s a lot of things plugged in,” said Haller.

“TV, computer, laptop, etcetera,” Philip Carroll.

“Another big phantom load is the video games like the Wii or Xbox,” said Rodgers, “when they’re not being used they really do drain a lot of electricity.”

But, there are easy ways to save on phantom power without searching for plugs.  Try to plug Tvs, Computers, or device chargers into a single power strip. Then turn that off before leaving the house.

click for larger image “It will turn into a habit for your whole family,” said Rodgers, “If adults, parents, will lead the way the whole family will follow and become more energy efficient.”

Rodgers says the savings will not only reduce bills, but the power company’s overall expenses on generators, infrastructure, and expansion.

click for larger image That’s going to be good for everybody,” said Rodgers, “good for the homeowner, the customer and good for Gulf Power.”

Gulf Power also has a way anyone can check their own at-home energy use, with a Home Energy Check.  Other devices like geothermal heating and cooling, energy-star appliances, and smart thermostats can also help save energy.



User Comments

String, it’s called greed, pure and simple greed! No matter what you do they’re going to dig deeper and deeper into your wallet. But hey, they all have a perfect example in our useless government.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  01/14  at  07:12 AM

everyone that is sick of paying these rates, or people that are tired of having to pay outrageous prices for fuel for their car need to thank the tree huggers and enviromentalist.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  01/13  at  10:33 PM

You think the power company is bad… I came home today & a placard from Teco Gas was on my door. It was a reminder explaining that my bill was past due and on the bottom of the card was a note reminding me that for them to leave this notice on my door they were adding a $20.00 charge to my account. Shame on Teco Gas for this nasty way to get even more money from people that are already hard pressed to pay there bills.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  01/13  at  08:09 PM

Yes Energy Prices have gone way out of control.Beyond my control I live on social security.This year our fine goverment says we dont need a increase.Well I sure wish they’d tell me how to pay a $400 a month lightbill buy groceries raise my son and put a roof over our head with $800 a month.Isnt this just legal way of raping folks.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  01/13  at  06:57 PM

Just received monthly bill from gulf power. It seems almost all companies have an area where they bill you outside of taxes (of which there are 3). For instance; Gulf Power’s monthly $10.00
fee for : Customer Charge ! I mean, we are already paying for, 1.Energy Charge… 2. Fuel Charge plus the 3 taxes. What will they add on next? Heaven can’t come soon enough !!

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  05/07  at  04:49 AM

People keep cuting back on the use of power, and the price keep going up.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  05/06  at  09:15 PM
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