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License Fees Increase
06/10/09 - 04:14 PM
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Allyson Walker - bio
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Defuniak Springs, Fla:

You will soon be paying an increase of 100% or more for some fees at the tax collector’s office.
The increases were enacted by the Florida Legislature to put more money in the state’s general revenue fund.

During the last legislative session Governor Charlie Crist signed a bill that increases fees for car tags.  Walton County’s Tax Collector is trying to get the word out to residents that if they wait, they may be paying nearly 200% more. 

Walton County residents walk into the tax collector’s office today only to get a message they didn’t expect; you better pay now to save later.  Deputy Tax Collector Cory Gibson says the State of Florida will get the extra revenue, not the local governments. 

Walton County Tax Collectors wanted its residents to know that they can can go ahead and get this year’s rates locked in for two years.

The breakdown of the fee increases shows about a six to twelve dollar increase depending on the size of your vehicle.  For title transfers, you could pay two hundred dollars more for your plate, decal, and registration fee.  If you’re new to Florida and have to change to a Florida license, you also could pay two hundred dollars more after September 1st.

Cory Gibson said that the only mrevenue the local governments actually make comes from a two dollar and fifty cent transaction fee that hasn’t changed since 1983.  So in esssence, all this money is going straight to the State of Florida.  Tax collectors all over the state have gathered to voice their concern.

User Comments

I totally agree! It’s time for the citizens of Florida to get serious and vote all incumbents out of office! These bums are the worst crooks and lazy you know whats that i’ve ever seen in a lifetime! They have all become elitists and have forgotten who they work for! US!!!
They all need a serious wake up call that we do see what their doing, which is not representing the majority of Floridians but are representing self interests,PACS,
BIG OIL,and other interests. Don’t get too comfortable in your jobs as Floridians have about had enough of your incompetence and you all will be voted out! Guaranteed!

Posted by retired one  on  06/11  at  10:06 PM

It sounds like the state has decided to load their lack of fiscal responsibility onto the backs of the people of Florida.  Isn’t that’s where its been all these years?  Since we got the so-called ?tax cut? from Obama, now Crist can tax us to get back what Obama gave.  You go, Charlie! But not where you want to, hopefully.  If you think I’m going to vote for you for Senator, or anything else, think again.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  06/11  at  05:30 PM
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