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Dr. Reed Expresses Remorse
11/13/09 - 05:35 PM
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Elizabeth Cate - bio
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Panama City, Fla:

Doctor Michael Reed, a former Panama City surgeon faces a prison sentence in a federal drug conspiracy case. The conspiracy involves seven co-defendants, nearly five kilograms of a cocaine mixture and a two year investigation.

Federal Judge Richard Smoak calls it a puzzle, a mystery and questions how a successful surgeon like Reed could hit rock bottom. Reed already admitted guilt as an investor in the scheme, but today he found out the price he’ll have to pay in punishment.

Reed must spend 57 months, nearly five years in jail.

“Ashamed,” “embarrassed” and “disappointed.” The final words, given by a choked up Dr. Michael Reed, as a federal judge decided his fate.

“When you come in in stripes, when you were once a doctor, it’s very embarrassing,” said Reed’s attorney, Marcia Shein.

The distressed doctor walked into this courtroom, shackled at the feet as a full house of family and friends looked on.

Reed previously pleaded guilty to a cocaine conspiracy and admitted to investing $60,000 for 2 kilograms of cocaine smuggled in from Belize.

Nevertheless, a friend described Reed as a good man but also a drug addict that needs help.

“He was grateful that they were there and was thankful that there was love and support in the community and it’s not all bad,” said Shein.

Before he received his sentence, Reed described his practice, as a place to escape. After a divorce and losing custody of his children he says he went into depression. He claims the depression led him to addition. Now the office doors are closed and he’ll never practice medicine again.

“That’s an additional part of his punishment that nobody else in this case will ever experience,” said Shein.

At 55-years old, Reed acknowledged his life is in ruins. Reed was sentenced to nearly 5 years in prison.

“At this point it’s what he’s gotten and we have to live with that,” said Shein.

That leaves this once confident surgeon, in what he calls, a hopeless situation.

Despite Reed’s words that solicited sympathy, the government made it clear that Reed made the choice to use and store cocaine. However, the government and Reed’s own attorney, added that he was introduced to drug dealing co-defendant, Hector Melara, by his girlfriend, Amy cooper. A friend noted that he told Reed to stay away from her.

Cooper is charged as a co-defendant for using a telephone to solicit drugs. She pleaded not guilty, and her trial begins on Monday.

User Comments

Oldman, There has never been and probably never will be a “drug free” country. One thing is for sure, the drug war mentality of locking people up and taking away their ability to earn a living when they get out is making things worse not better. Whatever we do we should apply the law equally to everyone and seek to improve things not take away a person’s hope. Look at Oliver North. Him and other high ranking Regan administration officials smuggled cargo planes full of cocaine into this country and sold it to fund their illegal backing of the Contras. They openly lied to Congress and subverted the Constitution. Countless innocent people died as a result and North and many others got a slap on the wrist. To end the vast majority of so called “drug related” problems all we have to do is remove the profit motive, which can easily be accomplished. Then we can concentrate on the REAL drug problems. Doctors can help addicts, jail does not.

Posted by Just Say Know  on  11/17  at  03:42 PM

Just Say Know, my problem with Reed would be wondering if he was really “sober” or if he was high as a kite when he went into surgery.  Some people do a great job of hding these things.  I think that is why his ability to practice as a doctor has been taken away from him.  Would you want a surgeon operating on you that had a drug problem or a doctor prescribing medications if he wasn’t running on all eight cylinders?  People that deal with the public, whether doctors or a school bus driver, need to think of these things before they ruin their lives by doing drugs of any kind.  My other question has to do with his girlfriend.  Is she the one that got him turned onto drugs or was he doing it before they met?  We may never know.  And making the kind of money he was making and the prestige he had as a surgeon, what would cause anyone to do what he did?  It just does not make sense.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  11/17  at  08:08 AM

Tell me this, what will this Dr. do when he gets out if he can’t practice medicine? Effectively dealing with drug use and addiction should be what our drug policy is designed to do. The illegal drug trade could be easily and instantly ended with rational policy the Swiss program mentioned in another post. Drug prohibition often forces people to get into the illegal drug trade once they have a criminal record and can’t get a well paying job in the legitimate world. This failed drug war policy often forces people with a criminal record to do the very things the drug war claims to be against. It’s time to say enough is enough and demand rational drug policy that is in the best interest of everyone instead of the failed insane drug war policy now on the books. We should be effectively dealing with drug use and addiction instead of devastating society needlessly with this drug war.

Posted by Just Say Know  on  11/16  at  06:09 PM

String, the sad part out of all of this mess is that his life is now ruined forever. He will not be allowed to practice medicine anywhere in the country once he is paroled if I understand the media right. What a total loss of a life. With the kind of money he was making, what on earth could have possessed him to just throw it all away like that? I have questions about maybe his girlfriend being the influence behind it but we’ll probably never know. Bottom line is we’ve lost a good doctor/surgeon and he has lost his future to do good for his fellow man. Sad. Very sad.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  11/16  at  07:34 AM

I’ve been saying they need to legalize every drug for years even though I’m totally opposed to drug use as it is the only way to end crime and make these sick individuals get help for their SICKNESS as drug users are sick and prison ruins their lives forever along with ruining their children and families lives. They need help and education to quit or the government can track and register them,give them their FIX so they don’t rob grandma, it puts dealers out of business,pulls their drivers license and would empty out overcrowded prisons which have over 50% incarcerated for drug crimes at over $50,000 a year,per inmate, of OUR money. They can choose to continue their HABIT until they kill theirselves or get treatment at any time if they want help to quit. This would be much cheaper and lower overall crime rates for robbery,prostitution,home invasions,etc.
The Europeans have it RIGHT on Health Care and Drug Crimes. We have it wrong as you can see, by statistics.

Posted by retired one  on  11/15  at  08:09 AM

What do you think about this program? In Switzerland they set up government run clinics where heroin addicts can go and get pharmaceutical grade heroin. If you don’t have the money to pay for the drug it’s free. That instantly put every illegal heroin dealer in that country out of business… they can’t compete with free. Anyone that wants heroin can go into a government run clinic up to 3 times a day and inject it. There are medical personnel on hand and anyone that wants to kick their habit is given counseling and help toward that goal. The results are that there has not been a single heroin overdose there in more than 13 years. Switzerland has the lowest AIDS and Hepatitis infection in all of Europe. Crime fell by 60% because no one is stealing or prostituting their self to pay for their heroin and after a 10 year study, they documented that there has been an 82% decline in new heroin users. Now please tell me why our drug war seems like better policy than that.

Posted by Just Say Know  on  11/14  at  11:50 PM

Why not change our failed drug policy in favor of something that really works? Read this article: http://www.alternet.org/drugreporter/90295/ Go ahead, really read it… it makes sense!

More information about drug laws from Just Say Know:
Using Internet Explorer web browser: http://jsknow.angelfire.com/home
With All Other Browsers: http://jsknow.angelfire.com/index.html

Posted by Just Say Know  on  11/14  at  11:46 PM

Doctor Reed’s is a good man, he’s done allot to help out most of his patients but he did something that was not right and now he got to pay for it. I hope that he can clean up his personal life, and come out still doing good for the people that his around him.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  11/14  at  02:51 PM
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