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Health Department Holds H1N1 Clinic
11/22/09 - 10:22 PM
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Allyson Walker - bio
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click for larger image Panama City, Fla:

The Bay County Health Department is receiving new shipments of the H1N1 virus each week and is vaccinating citizens of Bay County through clinics.

The Health Department held one of those clinics this morning after receiving a shipment of 1200 vaccines from the Centers for Disease Control earlier this week.  According to public outreach, the Health Department will hold these clinics as they receive shipments from the CDC.  But there’s no way to predict exactly when shipments will come in. Shawn Collins with the Health Department says that they’re hoping more shipments come in the next few weeks:  “We’ll be doing these clinics depending on shipment.  Right now we’re at the will of the Centers for Disease Control and the shipping services so we’re not up to the numbers that we want yet but we’ll continue doing clinics based on the average number of shot we get per week.”

Collins says that after Thanksgiving the Health Department will continue to administer the flu mist vaccine to Bay District elementary schools for children ten and under.

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