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Bay County Health Department Continues School H1N1 Flu Vaccination Clinics
11/06/09 - 04:08 PM
Bay County Health Department
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click for larger image Bay County, Fla:

Since October 22, 2009, over 8,000 doses of H1N1 Flu vaccine have been given at 17 school located vaccination clinics.  Children are at high risk for H1N1 Flu related complications so it is important that they receive the vaccination.  The schedule for November 9-13 is:

November 9—Home schooled children and Northside Elementary
November 10—Bay Haven Charter Academy and Everitt Middle School
November 11—none scheduled (holiday)
November 12—Surfside Middle School
November 13—Deane Bozeman School and Tyndall Elementary School

The Bay County Health Department, in cooperation with Bay District Schools, plans to offer vaccination clinics at local public and private schools.  “The entire country, including Bay County, has experienced delays in receiving H1N1 Flu vaccine.  We are scheduling clinics once we know we will have enough vaccine to cover that clinic” said Shawn Collins, Bay County Health Department H1N1 Coordinator.  A letter explaining the vaccination process, Vaccination Information Sheets (one for the nasal flu mist and one for the shot), and a consent form are available on the Bay County Health Department’s website, www.baycountyhealth.org, Bay District School’s website, www.bay.k12.fl.us and through our local media partners’ websites.

The health department has delivered vaccine to area pediatricians and plans to deliver more as it is available.  Parents of children who are not in school or may have missed their school’s clinic should contact their child’s physician’s office for advice on obtaining the vaccine for their child.

Fighting H1N1 Flu is a three-step approach:  1) get a vaccination, 2) practice everyday prevention (including frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes and staying home when sick),  and 3) use antiviral drugs correctly if your health professional recommends them.

For More Information, go to: The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention website: http://www.flu.gov

The Florida Department of Health’s website: www.myflusafety.com

The toll free Florida Flu Information Line, 1-, is available 24/7 for recorded messages, and operators are available 7am to 7pm central standard time.

Your local county health department: www.baycountyhealth.org or call

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