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Flooding in Walton County
12/08/09 - 05:37 PM
Walton County Sheriff’s Office
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click for larger image Walton County, Fla:

Red Bay, FL (December 8, 2009) – High water continues to recede in Northern and Central Walton County, but several roads remain impassable in the Red Bay community.  At noon today, the reading on the Choctawhatchee River in Caryville was slightly above the 12-foot Flood Stage and continuing to recede. 

Walton County work crews placed barricades on those roadways experiencing flooding issues in Red Bay.  They include River Road, Dead River Road, and Berrian Lake Road.  The high water has isolated half-dozen homes on River Road, but there doesn’t appear to be any threat of damage to those residences.

At this time, the water continues to rise further downstream in the Bruce Community off Highway 20.  At noon, it was 14.82 feet with the flood stage being 13-feet.  The water is expected to crest tomorrow at around 15.3 feet.  Walton County Emergency Management Coordinator Jeff McVay is keeping a keen eye on how much rain falls tonight in Southeast Alabama tonight.  That water will eventually make its way down stream along the Choctawhatchee River here in the Florida Panhandle.  Every inch of precipitation that falls in Alabama translates into about a foot of water in Northwest, Florida.

McVay says “the ground is extremely saturated, and there’s no place for it to go.”  He urges motorists not to drive through standing or running water, because a vehicle can easily be washed off the roadway.  In addition, folks are urged not to drive in the affected areas.  Vehicles driving in flood waters can cause a wake which may result in residential property damage.

Those Walton County residents who live in low-lying areas and along swollen creeks, rivers, and other tributaries’ are advised to keep up with the latest rainfall amounts on area media outlets…


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