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Vote on the Bay District School Calendar
11/18/08 - 11:34 AM
Bay District Schools
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click for larger image Bay County, Fla:

Panama City, FL – Two versions of the calendar for school year 2 are posted to the district Web site for a vote at www.bay.k12.fl.us. In the center of the home page the words “Vote Now” lead you to the page where the differences in the calendars is explained and a vote can be taken. Votes will be taken until November 26, 2008.

The Calendar Committee is made up of educators and community volunteers with the sole purpose of devising a school calendar each year. For the first time, the committee is offering two recommendations that posted on the district home page for a vote.

Both calendars reflect school being out for the Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, MLK, President’s Day and Memorial Day holidays. They also reflect the same dates for Christmas Break, the same dates for Spring Break and the last day of school.
The difference is that Calendar #1 has school beginning on Monday, August 24, 2009 with a fall break the entire week of Thanksgiving. On Calendar #2 school starts on Thursday, August 27 and has the usual Thanksgiving Break.
It is important to remember that state statute requires 180 days of school with the first day being no sooner than 14 days prior to Labor Day. Due to hours required for credit the first semester will not end prior to Christmas Break.


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