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Ida Forces Closure of Port Panama City
11/10/09 - 05:42 PM
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Elizabeth Cate - bio
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The stormy weather shut down our waters. Ida caused the Coast Guard to call for the closure of ports from Mississippi to Florida. That includes our own, here in Panama City.

“Everyone’s different, but we plan as well as we can for it,” said Deputy Director of Port Panama City, Charles Lewis.

The closure leaves cargo tied up and a port that sits without ships. But despite the lack of water delivery, the land remains open for truck pickups.

“It doesn’t necessarily mean that the front gate’s closed and we’re not accepting traffic coming in,” said Lewis.

As the windy weather calms down water traffic gets back on track and it’s business as usual back at the port. That means big business for Bay County. The port plans to bring in $10 million this year.

“It’s a good economic impact,” said Lewis.

Typically about 3 ships come in every week and those vessels bring in and out containers filled with a variety of things from copper to steel plates.

“Although we’re a governmental entity, we try to operate this place just like a business,” said Lewis.

So as the waters stir, the port waits for the signal to allow ships back.

The port is not worried about what they consider a short delay. It closed on Monday and it’s planned to be back open tomorrow. That’s when any stalled shipments should show up.

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