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Bay County Update
11/17/09 - 06:10 PM
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Elizabeth Cate - bio
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Roads get resurfaced, projects get wrapped up and the courthouse looks forward to an addition. At a meeting today, the Bay County Commission had quite a bit to discuss.

Route Picked for Gulf Coast Parkway

Bay County paves a way for a road project. Today, the commission picked a preferred route for the gulf coast parkway.

The plan is to bring the parkway, that’s been in the works for nearly 6 years, from the gulf county line and take it east through bay county.

“It’s going to be several years in the making, but at least a decision has been made as to where it’s going to go,” said Commissioner Mike Nelson.

11th Street Gets Resurfaced

As decisions get made, dollars get saved. The construction on the Grand Lagoon Bridge is under budget, and with the approval of the Deparment of Transporation, the commission plans to move the money over to 11th street. The plan is to resurface the road from Beck to Florida Avenue.

“We’re moving forward with that and we’ve given our staff direction to come back to us with a design,” said Commissioner Bill Dozier.

County Courthouse Addition

The discussion continues, for county courthouse design ideas. The commission plans to advertise for an architect to construct a courthouse addition at the site of the old jail. The addition is planned to be 80,000 square feet and that includes a parking garage.

“Our justice center can be served better, and our judges can be able to operate and do everything they do more efficiently,” said Commissioner George Gainer.

Thomas Drive Sidewalk Project

To better serve pedestrians, the commission approved the fourth phase of a sidewalk project. The project costs $ 800,000 and goes down Thomas drive, from Dolphin Avenue to Bristol Street. The funds for this project flow in from the Department of Transportation

“In the past there’s been traffic accidents, and pedestrians that have been hurt by automobiles, so this is something we’re looking forward to being able to do,” said Commissioner Bill Dozier.

Vacated Properties Workshop

Commission meetings take place in the new county complex, but the old buildings, owned by the county continue to sit vacant. Today, the commission set a date to hold a workshop to discuss what to do with the properties. That workshop is scheduled for January 19th.

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