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School Board Explores Sales Tax
11/17/09 - 05:53 PM
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Allyson Walker - bio
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click for larger image Bay County, Fla:

We still don’t know whether we’ll be paying half a cent more per dollar to help out Bay District Schools.

Today at the weekly meeting Superintendent Bill Husfelt called on each member to express his or her thoughts on exploring the idea of a half cent sales tax to help with school construction projects.  School board members Ryan Neves and Donna Allen both expressed a desire for superintendent Husfelt to give the go ahead to explore options.  The decision will likely be voted upon after completion of Husfelt’s plan.

User Comments

Remember though, you dont see people that have money gambling their money off or spending it on lottery tickets(Any person could stand out side in get hit by lightning then make any money from a cosino).  And why have the cosino you might as well just charge a fee from any one who enters the state to pay for it.
Usully it is the poor people of the state spending all their money in casino’s.  If you look at people who play the lottery its usually the poor and the same will go for the casino’s.  Plus it would rasie the cost of other budgeted areas such as more police force and transportation system cost. 
What they need to do is a luxury tax to help pay for schools.
They could just rasie the tax on alchol and tobacco some more then all them high schools and collage students that do all that partying during spring break will help pay for the schools.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  11/18  at  01:22 PM

Any fool can raise taxes to get money. It is past time to legalize full casino gambling staewide to get the billions in NEW tax revenue it would bring for schools and teacher pay which is very poor and unacceptable.
It would stop the flow of citizens cash to out of state Biloxi,Atlantic city,Vegas, and 24 other states that have legalized it. It would bring needed revenue, tourists and jobs. The state already sanctions the Joke Lottery,Powerball, bingo, dog tracks, horse tracks, Jai-Lai, and poker rooms all over the state.
Casino gambling is just the next step but it is the one where the state and it’s citizens will hit the revenue JACKPOT, ending budget shortfalls year after year after year, jacking our taxes. Let’s get some of the european and other domestic tourists cash, while they are here visiting the beach or Disney. This is what other states do. Why should we let this BIG REVENUE escape us?
Vote these idiot incumbents out of every office,every election until we get it right

Posted by retired one  on  11/17  at  07:54 PM
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