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Drowning Case Still Awaits Trial
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Drowning Case Still Awaits Trial
made by JUSTICE for the Redmons... 2 -
Drowning Case Still Awaits Trial
made by JUSTICE for the Redmons... 2 -
Drowning Case Still Awaits Trial
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01/29/10 - 05:04 PM

The case of the three young adults who drowned in a Gulf Power plant drain, is still awaiting trial more than six years later.
The incident happened back in August of 2003. 19 year old Gina Redmon, her brother 22 year old Sammy Redmon, and 17 year old Joshua Clark were swimming in the area located behind the Lansing Smith Steam Plant in Bay County.
The victims were trapped and drowned in a water current. The current was caused by a vortex in Gulf Power’s facility drainage area.
Gerraldynn Redmon and Salvatore Redmon are suing on behalf of their children. They say there were no safety warnings or fences surrounding the canal that would have prevented their children from going swimming in it.
After years of court procedure they were finally granted a trial set to start this week. However, the case was dismissed Monday morning in a summary judgment in Gulf Power’s favor.
The Redmond’ laywers are in the process of appealing the court ruling.
“We truly sympathized with the families who have suffered a great loss,” Gulf Power Spokesperson Jeff Rogers said. “Our position is that all along we do not believe that gulf power has been responsible for this tragedy. The facts of the case support that, and now the judges support that as well.”
“It’s a disappointment to have gotten to this point, and I’ve always not wanted my kids’ death to have been for no reason,” Gerraldynn Redmon said.
Since the incident, Gulf Power installed a gate and no trespass signs to warn people about swimming in the canal.
The Redmon family has about a month to file the appeal.
..........On another note, would you go swimming in a pond without a sign? How about a large hot tub without a sign? Maybe you should get your facts straight before you insult a family that has so much compassion for others. Did you know no one could have pulled themselves out of there that night. Your thoughts and words you have expressed are beyond anyone with a heart would ever post to a family with a lose such as theirs. I pray for their family that they receive justice and any closure they might possibly obtain from it!!!!
Before I address THIS in order, please let me start off by saying… DO YOU HAVE NO COMPASION FOR ANYONE?!!! They were someones Daughter, Son, Sister, Brother, Father, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, and Friends of SO many… everyone that crossed their path. I would like to know since you havent answered, do you have children? Have you ever lost a child? Not only did they loose 1 but 2 children, or the other family that lost theirs as well. I could not imagine the lose of my daughter, the pain & suffering they go through everyday. No amount of money could ever account for someones life, especially in the negligence of others. I’m guessing you have no one that would fight for you in the event you lost your life? You must be a bitter and lonely person Daniel!...............
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You need Our Pity, not our Anger!
You Truly must be All Alone in this World! No Parent’s, sister’s,brother’s, aunt’s, uncle’s,cousin’s,friend’s, and best of all, no Children!
I want to congratulate you on never having lost Anyone close to you in life. Never feeling that Pain and Agony…WOW!!! You are so Lucky!
Also, I want to Congratulate you on Living such a Perfect Life without having No mistakes and No regrets!
You ask? Did the Parent’s sue over having the Canal fenced in or Sign’s posted? I don’t know the Reason. But one thing for Sure… The Plant Did put up a Fence. And the Plant Did post Sign’s!
SO! If only ONE THING GOOD came out of ALL of this TERRIBLE TRAGEDY…. It is that the Plant Did put up a Fence, and the Plant Did put up Sign’s.
And Maybe, Just Maybe, another Life will be SAVED!!!!
WOW Daniel…misguided…I think not…I believe you have been misinformed…or blatantly ignorant. If you are familiar with this family and sending out condolences then possibly you should develop some respect. Secondly, being a betting man as you claim to be, maybe you should set your stakes a little closer to the truth. Research being the key word if you are unfamiliar: careful or diligent search.
justice you are truly misguided!! we’ll address these in order. 1st are the parents suing to have the cannal fenced in? closed off? more signs posted? or just money? id bet the last. 2nd a current is defined as….is the flow of water influenced by gravity as the water moves downhill to reduce its potential energy. be it in a river or in the ocean there is a current in the steam cannals.3rd alcohol and drugs effect the mind, thinking and reaction time, apparently you have never been drunk and done something stupid? if they would have been sober they wouldnt have went in. ive met the family and they seem like good people, which kinda suprised me about the whole legal thing?? i feel thier pain and sympathize for them, but money? really?? oh and the personal responsibility wasnt meant for the parents, it was meant for the ones that passed, they got screwed up, they made a bad choice about swimming in the cannal, so why should the steam plant have to pay for their mistakes?
And by the way gator@work, what the hell do you mean take some personal responsibility??? How in the hell do parents take personal responsibility for the negligence of there children’s death? Hell now I am talking like you, I actually said take “some” personal responsibility instead of “personal responsibility.
I just received a call from the sister of Gina, and Sam gator@work, and she was crying, do you have children, or a brother or sister???? First maybe you should have more facts than you think you have. First of all the parents lost their children, they could care less about the money, they have lost their children! As far as the currents, what the hell are you talking about, how many people swim in our oceans, do they not have currents? This was NOT a current, the best swimmer in the world would have not been able to get out of there, they were literally sucked in, and did not drown because they were drinking or partying, it would not have made any difference of what state of mind they were in, they still would have drown, so don’t blame it on partying, and as far as the family wanting nothing for something, you don’t know anything about this family. They live thru hell everyday of there lives, they lost there children, why can’t people like you understand that. KARMA on your way!!
this has got to be the most stupid thing ive ever heard, well second to odumba being elected, but really these kids were out the drinking or just getting screwed up, it was a popular place to party, they were so screwed up, they decided to take a swim, anyone out there can tell the current isnt something you want to get in. take some personal responsibility. these vultures are just like MLA’s mom, wanting something for nothing!!

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Did they deserve their day in court? Yes.
Hopefully this decision will be oveturned and their day in court will come, that is all they want, win or loose. They deserve this.