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01/08/10 - 06:05 PM

The months of November through February are popular times for winter vacationers to head to the Panama City Beach area.
Today several winter visitors got the chance to visit frank Brown Park and the beach visitor’s center where they learned about things to do in Panama City. Some visitors say they have visited the beach for years because they love the area so much.
Visitor’s bureau spokespeople say they are seeing more people flow in and out of the office this year than the last. In fact, about 427 people showed up Friday within a two and a half hour period.
Frank Brown Park employees also say they are seeing increased enrollment in their fitness programs. They say visitors make up about half of the participation.
Bruce Adams of Minnesota takes advantage of several other activities in the city.
“We go out to eat a lot, and also, I play golf three times a week,” Adams said.
“That’s great for our local economy. It’s great for the tourism industry,” visitor’s center communications manager Dana Lent said. “We’re excited to roll out the welcome mat for our winter residents.”
The Winter Visitor Welcome is held at Frank Brown Park each year. Bruce Adams and his wife plan to stay in the area until March.

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