Hancock Bank Assumes All Deposits of Peoples First Community Bank
By: Erin Hawley
Adopted A Family Christmas Party

By: Jay Granberg
Pet Adoptions Increase in Bay County

By: Elizabeth Cate
One Man’s Mission to Help the Homeless

By: Jessi Chapin
Five People Injured in Steam Accident At Gulf Power Plant
By: Mary Scott Speigner
Drive-By Shooting Investigation

By: Laura Hartog
Walton County Prepares for Flooding

By: Elizabeth Cate
Tyndall F-15 Drawdown Delay

By: Erin Hawley
Gulf County Prepares for Flood

By: Jessi Chapin
New Flights Could Mean Better Business

By: Mary Scott Speigner
For Additional Headlines - go to our News Section »
State Farm to Stay in Florida but Rates Will Increase
made by retired one -
Hancock Bank Assumes All Deposits of Peoples First Community Bank
made by charlred19 -
Five People Injured in Steam Accident At Gulf Power Plant
made by gator -
Five People Injured in Steam Accident At Gulf Power Plant
made by chris2000 -
Hancock Bank Assumes All Deposits of Peoples First Community Bank
made by PCBboy
- Hancock Bank Assumes All Deposits of Peoples First Community Bank
- Names Released in Apparent Murder-Suicide
- Former Police Officer Arrested on Molestation Charges
- Christmas Parade Marriage Proposal
- Southwest to Fly to Nashville, Baltimore, Houston and Orlando
- Drive-By Shooting Investigation
- Five People Injured in Steam Accident At Gulf Power Plant
- Springfield Police Searching for Credit Union Robbery Suspect
- Southwest to Announce Destinations, Low Fare Offer
- Car Submerged in Water
07/28/09 - 03:26 PM

Very little is off limits from the Sunshine Laws - including government payrolls. As some governments are making layoffs and trimming budgets, others are raising millage rates and user fees to help pay for the nearly 10,000 employees News 13 collected data in our investigation into who’s on your payroll.
Public funds are paying for horticulturists, leisure services directors, dozens of engineers, secretaries and street sweepers. News 13’s investigation focused on Bay, Walton and Jackson Counties.
Bay County Highlights:
Non-Elected Top Earners:
- Bay County Sheriff’s Office Physician $190,000
- Panama City Manager $153,960.14
- Bay County Manager $142,639.54
Other High Earners:
- Bay County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy $104,079
- Callaway City Manager $109,080.92
- Panama City Beach Utilities Director $108,992
Other Highlights:
- Lowest Paid Police Officer or Firefighter -
- Lynn Haven Firefighter- $9.42/hr ($19,593.60 annually)
- Most Employees-
- Bay County Sheriff’s Office - 559
- Least Employees-
- Beach Mosquito Control - 9
- Lowest Paid Police Officer or Firefighter -
Jackson County Highlights:
Non-Elected Top Earners:
- Jackson County Engineer $104,310.32
- Jackson County Administrator $82,000.00
- Clerk of Courts Deputy Clerk $72,930.38
Other High Earners:
- Jackson County Undersheriff $65,624.00
- County Building Official $61,700.51
- Town of Grand Ridge Manager 52,996.32
Other Highlights:
- Lowest Paid Police Officer or Firefighter-
- County EMT/FF - $23,947
- Most Employees-
- County Commission and Administration - 233
- Least Employees-
- Town of Bascom - 4
- Lowest Paid Police Officer or Firefighter-
Walton County Highlights
Non-Elected Top Earners:
- County Administrator $121,091.00
- South Walton Fire Chief $113,558.00
- County Planning Division Director $105,000.00
Other High Earners:
- County Financial Director $108,902
- Clerk of Courts MIS Director $106,880
- County Construction Director $98,097.00
Other Highlights:
- Lowest Paid Police Officer or Firefighter:
- City of Freeport Fireman - $9.07/hr ($18,865.60 annually)
- Most Employees:
- County Commission and Administration - 586
- Least Employees:
- Town of Paxton - 5
- Lowest Paid Police Officer or Firefighter:
About the database:
- All figures were supplied by the employing agency.
- Every full time employee is eligible for benefits from the State of Florida, however many of the benefits figures are not included in the salaries listed. Questions about what benefits are included should be directed to the reporting agency.
- The towns of Defuniak Springs, Graceville, and Marianna failed to report their figures.
- Our database continues to be updated as more figures are reported.
- Please note the School Districts were unable to meet our public records request but did supply links to their salary schedules.
- Bay District Schools:
- Walton County Schools (.pdf)
- Jackson County Schools
know = now… I’m so embaressed
Oh… Nevermind… I know see who reported this story… Sorry for the insult cuz you are just too darn pretty to get upset with. Keep up the good work ;)
Way to go WMBB for not providing ALL the details in your story. You should have specified “Jail House Doctor” in your pathetic attempt at reporting.
As for “Seminole’s” comments: We are at the station 24 Hours. We are viewed as “Working” 8 hours… You get your FACTS right.
After 5:00pm, when administration (The Boss) is gone, it’s your free time to play grab-###.
tahoe how do you figure that, is there that many sick at the sheriff office,maybe hes got them all on adipex for their fat a##es. if any should have their own dr.should be the fire dep.
well i see as if they should take all the poeple he works on that have been forgotten and but them on there own little island and let him take care of them there when they get sick. So this way they can’t steal,rob,rape,and murder poeple again here.I want my tax dollars to go too something useful and not some low life scum bag that doesn’t care about nothing but doing jail time.and by the way ill work circles around that doc anyday.hey you might as well go with the doc too that island im sure the he will need the help.
Thats pretty vague.
Wanna back that up with some facts, or should we all just take your word for it?
The doctor is seeing more patients than 3 doctors see in a Emergency Room in days. He is on call 24/7 and he is one of the few doctors who truely cares bout a public who are the forgotten, and havent had any healthcare I would like to see those who are bad mouthing work one day in his shoes. You wouldnt last a hour
An interesting thing about the BCSO physician:
I was at the Prime Care clinic on Baldwin the other day and the guy next to me had a form authorizing BCSO to pay for his visit and treatment there. I didnt think too much about it at the time, but now I am wondering.
Their staff doctor who makes $190,000 a year couldn’t treat him? He was at a clinic for goodness sake, it couldn’t have been that complicated a thing.
I’d really like to see a rep from BCSO comment on this matter, explaining what this staff physican does for his almost $200,000 annual salary, but Im sure it wont happen.
There’s too much fat at the Sheriff’s Department… (no pun intended) A Physician and a Media Rep. What happened to the days of just sticking a cop in front of the camera? Or better yet, the Sheriff’s second in charge.
Somebody PLEASE explain what the purpose of the Physician and who it is..?
Please explain why hospital staff is not is not good enough. Seriously…
does bcso really need there own physician at a 190,000.oo ,cant they go to the emergence room and wait with the rest of us that has to.
they need to take from this tie wearing, rolling chair jockeys,and put back in the schools that way we wont need that 1/2 cent tax increase. use part of the 47million they made this mo on cigarette taxes,if fl.collected that much in one mo. WHY raise anything. increase the fireman pay,
#5 and 80% of the cops are over weight.most of them would have a heart attack if they had too run 50 feet,but wait a minute they have a doctor that takes care of them for a small sum of a $190,000.00 a year.
Droshki - You hit the nail on the head with a SLEDGEHAMMER.
Re police pay:
1)Unlimited use of car.
2)Eat free while on duty at local restaurants.
3)Discount on rent for bringing cop car home at night.
4) Massive amounts of money made on overtime and providing security at private functions during off-duty hours (while in uniform and using city equipment.
They make plenty. Especially our locals, who have no real experience and very little training.
where’s their pilots pay for there pivate jet
Manager’s Manage, Firemen fight Fires. Don’t you get it? It’s not Bio Molecular Science. These people were not assigned these positions by a recruiter. They were chosen by the employee themselves.
I love mowing my grass but I opted to become a neurosurgeon instead of a grounds keeper., why do you think they unionized in the forst place? Less work and more pay has always been the union ethic. Add that to the cops getting a free car with no maintenance and no fuel bills and I think they’ve got a pretty good racket going. Sure, the firemen do have it more dangerous but they knew that going in. Being a former union member, it gets frustrating trying to get work done and always getting stopped because of union rules. So, they get more money and less work…pretty good deal.
For those of you who is a reg here, you have read my comments and alot of them is refered to the St. JOE co. They have alot of sayso in this part of the state and we all know what they have shoved down out throats, ie, new airport, realigning hwy98 in gulf county and so forth. Most of you are right, some of them do not deserve the money they are getting. I wish I got paid that much to listen to big bro telling me what to do. As far as a fireman, I was one and I am here to tell you I did not get paid and my hat goes off to those who get out of bed in the middle of the nite and not know what to expect when they arrive on scene. You put your life on the line and no amount of money can be made for doing that. May I sugest that the higher ups that get paid so much for sitting behind a desk, go on out there at midnite one nite and go put a fire out, you might think twice when you want to raise taxes to give yourself a raise, Just my comment
“We are not the Panama City / Bay County of yesterday.”
Unfortunately, yes we are. Take a look around.
And the cause of this county/city having made such little progress over the last 20 years is a complete lack of vision, planning, and integrity (i.e. allowing JOE to dictate the airport move, the fiasco that was the condo craze, et al).
The unquestionably poor results we’ve gotten certainly do not justify 6 figure salaries for our local leaders, nor $80,000 salaries for their secretaries. There’s an added value to the position of First Responder. Knowing that they are headed into dangerous situations should justify additional pay. It’s OUR tax money that pay these salaries and I have no problem increasing the pay to all fire and police.
24 Hours away from your family? You get a “Weekend Off” every other day. Are you serious? Any Firefighter that has motivated themselves to obtain rank within the department is making a decent salary. If your goal is to live a life of luxury then YOU selected the wrong occupation. I can’t even say that. The people I know within the fire department have a very comfortable living. Nice brick homes, 2 vehicles and boats.
You’ve elected to be a first responder and that’s the pay for a first responder. You take them to a hospital where a DOCTOR is waiting. Your work is admirable but lets not get all UNION now.
I think the salaries are justified for the duties performed (City and County Admin). You must have attractive salaries in order to keep knowledgeable, competent staff in these positions. People seem to forget that without these talents, their cities would crumble. We are not the Panama City / Bay County of yesterday.
Yea,, being away from you families for 24hrs every three days getting to actually sleep at night in a twin size brick hard bed instead of your nice king bed at home getting woke up on a moments notice at any give time by a loud alarm and going from 0-60 and out the door and down the road in a mins time to go into a burning building to search for a trapped child or perform CPR on a person unresponsive sounds like a great perk that got left out to me!
Also (Gator)... If you have 3 - 24 hour shifts that clean the Station 7 days a week…. i.e.“moping, dusting, cleaning toilets” I would say that’s borderline OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

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Bree and Erin are both excellent reporters, and I encourage WMBB to promote them at the earliest opportunity :)
Perhaps some day I can convince them to come to my house to “write an article”.