Video: St. Andrew Assembly of God Fish Fry
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Suspect Dies in Deputy Custody
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Family Arrested for Prescription Drugs
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Two Vehicle Collision On 15th Street
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Suspect Dies in Deputy Custody
made by ash064 -
Suspect Dies in Deputy Custody
made by greenshirt
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St. Andrew Assembly of God Fish Fry
11/04/09 - 08:18 AM
RSS Feed
11/04/09 - 08:18 AM

St. Andrews Assembly of God is hosting a fish fry Friday, November 6th from 5:30- 8:30 p.m.
The menu includes: 1/2 lb White Fish, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Cheese Grits, Hush Puppies, Dessert and a Drink. ALL THIS FOR $5.00!! They will be selling Fish Fry plates at the Downtown Friday Fest also. They are pre-selling tickets now, please call Lamar Hobbs or the church office .
St. Andrews Assembly of God is located at 2400 West 15th Street, Panama City FL 32401. All the funds will go to church projects.
Pastor Clayton Bates and Lamar Hobbs stopped by our studios to tell us all about it.

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