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12/07/09 - 12:56 PM

Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen is asking for the public’s help identifying a suspect in a recent Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling case.
The incident occurred during the early morning hours of December 1, 2009 in the 5900 block of Gulf Drive, Panama City Beach. The victim, a minor, awoke to find a man sitting on her bed. The suspect committed a lewd act on the victim before leaving the residence. He took her cell phone when he left, telling her she would then be unable to call for help.
The suspect is described as a heavyset white male, from 30 to 40 years of age, approximately 5’10”, and bald.
The suspect was seen after December 1, 2009, in the same general area of Gulf Drive and is believed to have attempted to enter another home but was unsuccessful.
Anyone with information on the identity or location of this suspect is asked to call the Bay County Sheriff’s Office at . Those who wish to remain anonymous are asked to call Crime Stoppers at 785-TIPS.
that was just a question,no need to blow it out of proportion??
I’m not implying anything, I am simply asking a question, which is my right and I don’t have to qualify my questions or statements with anyone. But just to clarify, I was a victim of abuse by a relative that my parents TRUSTED when I was a child and I can say from personal experience that a child needs to cry out or tell somebody something WHEN it occurs. That is the only way to stop it from continuing or escalating. However every situation is different and I, again, don’t feel the need to qualify or justify my comments. But in cases like this parents should be reminded to look for warning signs where anyone, relative or not, spends too much time with their child. A pedophile usually shows his or her hand at some point before they commit the act.
Gator: You should not assume you know what someone is thinking when they make a comment. Everything is not an excuse to start an argument.
what does it matter if she screamed or cryed for help, kids can freeze up when really scared? i agree alot of offenses on children are by someone known to the family, but this isnt, by anymeans, fault of the child or parents for not locking doors or windows or screaming for help? that isnt what you are implying, is it?
Did she scream, cry out for help or make any kind of noise? And, were the doors locked or did the perp have access to the residence? Most sexual offenses committed on minors are by people they (and their parents) know and trust. We need to pay close attention to the root cause instead of focusing on the incident itself.
what a sicko!!! fry him, dads watch ur kids room!!

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My point exactly. Have a nice day.