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12/24/09 - 10:42 AM

Sen. Bill Nelson’s statement on today’s health-care vote:
“During these many months of debate over health-care reform, my goal has been to pass legislation to make coverage affordable and available to everyone.
“Regardless of where we stand on specifics, I think most can agree the system is broken and needs to be fixed.
“While the Senate bill I voted for isn’t perfect, it has many good elements.
“It will prevent insurers from dropping the sick and stop them from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. It also will reduce the deficit. And it includes one of my amendments to protect 800,000 seniors in Medicare HMOs all over Florida.
“Congress still has to merge this bill with the House version. And I’ve told negotiators I want them to close the “donut hole” gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage.”
Where’s the Public Option, we were promised and no mandates we were promised?
I’m glad the uninsured are going to be covered but you have let Joe Lieberman and Senator Bill Nelson, dictate the entire process for the other 58 Senators?
There still is work to do to get a Free Choice Option, so we can dump the rip-off company, Blue Cross, which we are basically, stuck with.
Blue Cross, gets a windfall.
The bill should be called The Blue Cross Windfall Bill.
Thanks a whole bunch, Bill. I gave up five years
of pay raises, when public employess were only being paid $5,000 maximum to get a good health plan and now thanks to you I get whacked with an
$8500 fine each year.
Merry Christmas and as my present to you, CLEAN OUT YOUR DESK and have the office fumigated.
enjoy your job jerk for the last time, you will be voted out!! you have betrayed your country for the last time.

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Teachers, with a 4 year degree, are only bringing home a little over $2,000 a month clear to live on and then have $700.00 a month deducted out of their check for Blue Cross family coverage that has yearly $500.00 deductibles and huge co-pays and caps of coverage, which is the worst insurance in the WORLD, leaving us $1300.00 a month just to live on, pay rent, utilities, buy groceries, pay thousands in student loans, etc.
Thanks, Senator Nelson, for keeping us barely alive. Teachers pay is crap in Bay County and most other places.My advice to young people is,
Do not WASTE your time going 4 years to college to be poor and in debt to the government for student loans for 15 years. You will have horrible Blue Cross Insurance without a choice and you will be broke, living in a van,down by the river!