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01/06/10 - 04:49 PM

Today marks an anniversary that shook up the Juvenile Justice System. 4 years ago, 14-year old Martin Lee Anderson died after his first day at the Bay County Boot Camp.
“Those that were sworn to instruct him, to protect him and to provide care for him were very insensitive toward him,” said Bay County NAACP President, Dr. Rufus L. Wood Jr.
The investigation continues, but attorney Waylon Graham says this case is closed.
“If you asked the feds they would tell you it’s still an open investigation, but I can tell you from a practical point of view, this case is almost certainly over,” said Boot Camp Guard Attorney, Waylon Graham.
The case went to trial and the guards were found not guilty, but that did not calm all concerns.
“They wanted to say that something sinister and evil had happened, when it really had not,” said Graham.
“I can not be silent, and I will not be silent and we will not be silent, until justice is served in this case,” said Wood.
While the voices of debate remain loud, this anniversary, Anderson’s graveside sits quietly.
Next Friday, the 15th, marks Martin Anderson’s birthday. He would have been 18 years old.
concerned you are right the only person to blame is the mother. she didnt report that he had sickle cell, because she knew that if she had listed this disease he prob wouldnt have been allowed in the boot camp. then she would have had to be a parent, under penality of law she lied on his “contract” with the state, she should be sent to jail until she pays the tax payers of fl back. and dont use the she didnt know, because they test all babies when born.
No matter what uninformed, ill-advised, negative opinions people may make about his parents it still does not negate the fact that the officers and employees of the boot camp allowed this young man to die (major point). If the mother was a streetwalker and the father was a pimp that still does not change the FACTS. He was not treated fairly and no one has been held accountable. You can change the name of the building, reassign it to another agency, sell it, lease it or leave it empty and the facts will remain the same. A young man died a senseless death on those grounds that day. Name calling, slander and the like won’t change it either. It’s not about race, religion or creed, it’s about a young man’s life that was allowed to end tragically and far too soon.
id be suprised if his mom and her boyfriend(at the time) even remember what his birthday is or even his death, the dates they remember are their own petty birthdays and the day the pushed the state of florida around by introducing color in the mix. these crackheads, yes i said crackheads (what the boyfriend was arrested for after the money was given to them) prob arent even in country. MLA was a cash cow to them. nobody deserved to get anything from this loss. the only one i feel for is the grandma, she raised him the best she could, and he still turned out a small town wanna be gangbanger.
When positive change occurs, then and only then, can the public afford to be silent. So far the closing of this boot camp has only served to appease a few people. To date no one has answered as to why these professionally trained, sworn officers and a state registered nurse stood by and watched a young man die who was in such obvious distress. An ordinary citizen would have offered more assistance to a pedestrian lying in the street than they offered to him. Unlike most people seem to think money does not quench the thirst for justice.
ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!! I feel for their lose but enough is enough. When all this first happened they (the parents) and the lawyer looked like normal people but the first time they got some money the gold was flashing the real fancy clothes was hanging and the lawyer looked like he hit a gold mine. Now you have the prez of the NAACP saying it is not over, well I think that they ought to let Mr. Anderson rest in peace. YES it was sad and I feel for the family but to think that the money is going to come in every time they think about it is a sad case. I know money does not take the place of a loved one but thru all this many lives was ruined also. Please let it rest, and do not throw a race card in it like some wants too. It is 2010 and the old days are gone (thank god) so lets remember Mr. Anderson in a good way and not a way where money and race is involved. Rest in peace Mr. Anderson.
Everyone loses a loved one to a tragedy at some point. My brother was struck by a drunk driver and dragged half a mile before finally being freed and left to die on a cold night in 2005. it doesnt make sense to anyone, but it happens. I have not made an anniversary out of it. I mourn quietly and to myself and family. I remember my brother for what he was, not what happened or what we got out of it. This family seems to be stuck in the stage of grief where you have to make a display out of the person. Not saying anyone was wrong or right in the situation, but let the childs memory be of what he was while he was alive, remember a cute baby, a active young boy, a smile he gave, not the way he past. Grieve and remember him, not drag his name through public scrutiny every day and year.
I agree. This horse has long since left the barn. The so-called “caring” parents got their 5 mil for being useless, the camps are all shut down, the guards lives have been ruined even though some of them were black, too, so what’s the stupid point of dredging this back up? What is Wood trying to do, make himself another replica of Jesse Jackson?
I agree, why are we dredging this up? It was a tragic story. Let Martin’s memory live in peace.
cant we just let this kid rest in peace there is such thing as too much after 4 years

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There are a lot of people who LIVE with sickle cell disease. It is not a disease that is a major cause of death unless something out of the ordinary aggravates the disease. We may not want to accept it but he is dead and someone allowed it to happen. It is sad that the only people on trial here appear to be his parents, and Martin Lee Anderson himself.