wmbb.com - Jackson County Health Department Announces H1N1 Vaccination Clinics
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Jackson County Health Department Announces H1N1 Vaccination Clinics
01/15/10 - 03:51 PM
Jackson County Health Department
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click for larger image Jackson County, Fla:

It’s not too late to get your H1N1 flu vaccine! As flu season is unpredictable and typically lasts until May, the Jackson County Health Department will be providing H1N1 Flu Vaccinations Wednesday, January 20th and Friday, January 22nd between the hours of 8:00-11:00 and 1:00 and 4:00.  The clinics will be held at the main Health Department located at 3045 4th St. in Marianna.

The vaccine is now available to the general public and not just specific age groups or those with chronic medical conditions. 

This vaccination will be provided at no cost to anyone wishing to receive it. 

No appointment is necessary.

The H1N1 flu vaccine is safe, effective and the best way to prevent H1N1 illness.

If you have any questions, please contact the Jackson County Health Department at x 111 or visit our web site at www.jacksonchd.org.


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