Children's Programming on WMBB-TV
Commercial TV stations file reports (the "FCC 398 Report") with the FCC describing their children's educational programming. WMBB-TV Panama City schedules Children's educational and informational programming on a regular basis. Descriptions of qualifying programming are maintained at the WMBB-TV offices at 613 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, Florida. All children's programming reports are filed on the tenth day following the end of each quarter in the station's file.
Comments in regards to children's programming may be sent to:
General Manager
613 Harrison Ave
Panama City, FL 32401
Copies of the reports and additional information are available on-line from the FCC by Clicking This Link and doing a query for WMBB.
DTV Conversion
IN 2005, Congress wrote and approved legislation concerning the conversion to all-digital television broadcasting, also known as the digital television (DTV) transition. DTV is more efficient than analog television, delivers better picture and sound to consumers, and will free the airwaves for other services. Congress passed a law on February 1, 2006, which set the deadline for the DTV transition as February 17, 2009.
For a year prior to the transition date the Federal Communications Commission has established rules for a coordinated DTV consumer education campaign including quarterly reports of those efforts. Television broadcaster licensees are required to complete and file a quarterly report (DTV Consumer Education Quarterly Activity Report Form 388) to the Commission and make the reports available to the public.
The public file can be reviewed by the public during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm at our business office - WMBB-TV, 613 Harrison Ave, Panama City, FL 32401.
- DTV Quarterly Activity Station Report Q4/2008
- DTV Quarterly Activity Station Report Q3/2008
- DTV Quarterly Activity Station Report Q2/2008
- DTV Quarterly Activity Station Report Q1/2008
Click Here for larger version.

12/17/09 - 9:33 PM - Laura Hartog
Panama City Police investigate a Thursday evening shooting.

12/17/09 - 5:42 PM - Elizabeth Cate
As the Choctawhatchee river rises, folks in Walton County prepare for floods.

12/17/09 - 5:18 PM - Erin Hawley
F-15s at Tyndall will continue to serve the base and the community for at least a few months longer.

12/17/09 - 5:10 PM - Jessi Chapin
As flood water encroaches on parts of Gulf County, residents at the river's edge head for higher ground.

12/17/09 - 4:40 PM - Mary Scott Speigner
New flights could mean better business for local companies who do a lot of traveling.

12/17/09 - 4:16 PM - Panama City Police Department
The Panama City Police Department announces the arrest of John Robert Colvins, 19 years of age.

12/17/09 - 4:01 PM - Rebecca Underwood
Blue lights to remember fallen officers

12/17/09 - 3:24 PM - Panama City Police Department
The Panama City Police Department announces the arrest of Daniel Lee McCloud, Jr., 33 years of age

12/17/09 - 3:00 PM - Central Panhandle Chapter of the American Red Cross
Red Cross Announces 6:00pm Opening Of Holmes County Shelter At New Hope Volunteer Fire Department

12/17/09 - 11:52 AM - Gulf Coast Community College
GCCC Spring 2010 Advising & Registration Resumes January 5

12/16/09 - 5:23 PM - Elizabeth Cate
Health departments across the nation plan to strip the shelves of thousands of swine flu vaccine doses.

12/16/09 - 4:40 PM - Jessi Chapin
Rising river water may create problems for some Washington County residents as heavy rain from Southern Alabama heads downstream.

12/16/09 - 3:54 PM - Ken McVay
Gulf County Emergency Manager Marshall Nelson says that the county is declaring a local state of emergency in advance of rising flood waters.

12/16/09 - 3:10 PM - Bay County Sheriff Office
Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen announced today the arrest of a Callaway man for charges relating to the molestation of a child.

12/16/09 - 3:02 PM - Bay County Commission
Bay County residents looking for an easy, environmentally friendly way to dispose of used Christmas trees this year can drop them off at various locations throughout the county for conversion to electricity at the county’s waste-to-energy facility
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» Heather Kretzer (News Director)
» Amy Hoyt (Anchor - 5:00 6:00, 10:00)
» Jerry Brown (Anchor - 5,6,10)
» Greg Sherrod (Anchor - News13 This Morning)
» Chris Marchand (Sports Director)
» Stephen Gunter (Weekend Sports Anchor)
» Jessica Foster (Anchor - News13 This Morning)
» Erin Hawley (Anchor, Weekends)
» Jessi Chapin (Reporter)
» Elizabeth Cate (Reporter)
» Allyson Walker (Reporter)
» Mary Scott Speigner (Reporter)
» Rebecca Underwood (Reporter)
» Jerry Tabatt (Senior Forecaster/Community Outreach Coordinator)
» Justin Kiefer (Chief Meteorologist)
» Wayne Gentry (Morning Meteorologist)
» Enocha Van Lierop Edenfield (Producer)
» Laura Hartog (Producer)
» Brittany Lewis (Producer - News13 This Morning)
» Andrew Bautista (Chief Photographer)
» Brandon Smith (Tehnical Director)
» Jay Granberg (Photographer)
» Ken McVay (Assignment Editor)
Children's Programming
8:00-8:30A The Emperor's New School
- Age of Target Child Audience: from 8 years to 11 years
- Description: Kuzco, a youth who is heir to the throne of a mythical Andean country, must graduate from Kuzco Academy before he can become Emperor of his land. He lives with a peasant foster family and faces the intellectual, physical and social challenges that all teens face, while also preparing to rule justly and well. Sometimes Kuzco wonders whether being Emperor for the rest of his days will be a pleasure or a trap.
- Kuzco thwarts attempts by the nefarious Yzma and her henchman, Kronk, to stop him from doing well in school. If Kuzco were to fail at his classwork, Yzma would become Empress. Kuzco struggles to complete his assignments and stay on track. Only if he remains steadfast, studies hard, learns from his mistakes, and can relate to citizens at all levels of society, will he ascend the throne. His best friend Malina, an excellent student, attempts to help Kuzco stay out of trouble and achieve his goals.
- Series episodes explore issues such as coping with peer pressure, respecting authority, taking responsibility, adhering to family and school rules, accepting differences, building self-esteem and trust.
8:30-9:00A The Replacements
- Age of Target Child Audience: from 8 years to 12 years
- Description: Riley and Todd, siblings who were raised in an orphanage after the death of their parents, long to be adopted. They find a comic book advertisement for Fleemco, an agency that will provide "Replacement" parents or adults to substitute for certain individuals. Brother and sister decide to send in the $1.98 fee in hopes of obtaining parents to replace their lost ones. They acquire an unorthodox pair of Replacement parents, Dick Daring and Agent K. Dick is a former daredevil stuntman and Agent K is a British super-spy. Neither seems to know much about parenting, although their intentions are good. Agent K's highly intelligent automobile, C.A.R., her former spy partner, also joins the household. Their attempts to forge a family and adjust to a new school are both touching and comedic.
- Riley and Todd discover that they can call Fleemco to request replacement of any adult whom they dislike, who is overly strict, or who is merely uninteresting. The temporary Replacements for teachers, neighbors or other community figures never prove to be as exciting or fun as the siblings had hoped, and are often immature and obnoxious. As things go awry, Riley and Todd learn that they need adult leadership, discipline, role models, order and structure. By the end of each story they are eager to return the Replacement and reinstate the original adult.
- Stories revolve around issues such as cooperating with household/family rules, taking responsibility, fairness, building self-esteem, and trust.
9:00-9:30A That's So Raven
- Age of Target Child Audience: from 10 years to 13 years
- Description: Raven Baxter, who has inherited her grandmother's gift of clairvoyance, is a normal, happy young woman. Nonetheless, Raven sometimes worries that she is a freak because of her clairvoyant abilities. She has a ten-year old brother, Cory. They are typical siblings, with the tension and rivalry that most siblings experience. Raven and Cory's mother is in law school, and their father owns a small restaurant.
- Raven attends an ethnically diverse San Francisco public high school. She is responsible for the after-school safety and activities of Cory. Her closest friends, Chelsea and Eddie, are fiercely committed to environmental issues and sports, respectively. Raven dreams of a career in fashion design, and the new season's episodes revolve around her internship with an eccentric fashion designer.
- Raven's parents and close friends know about her "visions." These premonitions often prompt her to intervene before trouble occurs. Sometimes her interventions backfire, and at other times the foreseen events occur, bringing embarrassment or sadness. She learns valuable lessons from her transgressions. "Visions" set up issues that the Core episodes of this series explore, among which are sibling rivalry, popularity, loyalty, self-acceptance, jealousy, dealing with authority, and consequences of lying or cheating.
9:30-10:00A That's So Raven
- Age of Target Child Audience: from 10 years to 13 years
- Description: Raven Baxter, who has inherited her grandmother's gift of clairvoyance, is a normal, happy young woman. Nonetheless, Raven sometimes worries that she is a freak because of her clairvoyant abilities. She has a ten-year old brother, Cory. They are typical siblings, with the tension and rivalry that most siblings experience. Raven and Cory's mother is in law school, and their father owns a small restaurant.
- Raven attends an ethnically diverse San Francisco public high school. She is responsible for the after-school safety and activities of Cory. Her closest friends, Chelsea and Eddie, are fiercely committed to environmental issues and sports, respectively. Raven dreams of a career in fashion design, and the new season's episodes revolve around her internship with an eccentric fashion designer.
- Raven's parents and close friends know about her "visions." These premonitions often prompt her to intervene before trouble occurs. Sometimes her interventions backfire, and at other times the foreseen events occur, bringing embarrassment or sadness. She learns valuable lessons from her transgressions. "Visions" set up issues that the Core episodes of this series explore, among which are sibling rivalry, popularity, loyalty, self-acceptance, jealousy, dealing with authority, and consequences of lying or cheating.
10:00-10:30A Hannah Montana
- Age of Target Child Audience: from 10 years to 13 years
- Description: Thirteen-year-old Mylie Stewart, recently moved from Tennessee to Malibu, CA, leads a double life. By day she attends public high school, along with her older brother Jackson, but by night she is emerging pop star "Hannah Montana". Except for her family, only her two best friends, Oliver and Lilly, and her bodyguard know about Mylie's career as a singer, and she strives to maintain privacy, fearing that her new classmates would treat her very differently if they knew of her stage identity. Mylie wears blonde wigs while performing, and manages to escape being recognized.
- Mylie's mother died three years before the story begins, so her dad is now a single parent. He has just begun dating again. Miley misses her mother very much. One of the songs that she writes and performs is about the pain of growing up without her mother.
- Unlike her brother, Mylie is a dedicated student. At school, her enemies are Amber and Ashley, two girls who constantly bully Mylie. Oliver and Lilly are fiercely protective of their friend. Mylie has ordinary teenage insecurities, but remains true to herself, despite the allure of concert life, the limos, parties, and glamorous clothes. This is in no small part due to the solid values that her father, Mylie's manager (Billy Rae Cyrus), has imparted. Tension and sibling rivalry do occur, especially when Jackson feels that his talented sister is getting all the attention.
- Stories examine social issues such as peer pressure, integrity, family rules, jealousy, friendship, loyalty, and issues related to bereavement.
10:30-11:00A The Suite Life of Zack & Cody
- Age of Target Child Audience: from 11 years to 13 years
- Description: Stories take place in a luxury hotel in Boston, where twelve-year-old identical twins Zack and Cody live with their divorced mom, a lounge singer for the Tipton hotel. The boys attend a local public middle school. One of the twins is polite and shy and excels in academics, while the other, athletic and extroverted, barely scrapes by in school, due to lack of effort. He often instigates wacky plans for outwitting hotel authorities, caregivers, and their mother. The boy's mother dates and would like to remarry. Their father is a professional rock musician who is on the road much of the year, but stays in touch with his sons. This sets up occasional parental conflicts about discipline and expectations.
- Parallel stories involve two teenage girls: heiress London Tipton, whose father owns the hotel, and Maddie, a girl who works after school at the hotel snack bar. Unlike London, Maddie attends a parochial girls' school and comes from a working class Boston family.
- Series episodes explore sibling rivalry, conflicts with parents, divorce, household and hotel rules, family budget limitations, responsibility, self-esteem, and peer pressure.
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday (Digital Channel 13-002)
10:00-11:00AM - Faithful Friends
- Description: A fun and informative series of 1/2-hour shows, devoted to educating pet owners on how to care for their pets. Targeted to children ages 13-16.